Supporting the Energy Transition

reducing your energy costs and carbon emissions





The Energy Transition

Energy is in the middle of a transformation fuelled by the need for decarbonisation in response to Climate Change, higher energy prices and a shift towards an increasingly clean, intelligent, mobile and distributed energy ecosystem.  Technology changes are a key driver of this change, including renewables, energy storage and digital.

Efficiency, Heat Recovery, Heat Pumps

Renewable Energy & Electrification

Decentralised Energy Generation

Energy Storage

Hydrogen & the End of Fossil Fuels

District Heating & Cooling

The Digital Transformation

The digital transformation in manufacturing – Industry 4.0 – The Fourth Industrial Revolution – is accelerating as pioneers demonstrate the substantial benefits that digital transformation offers.  Using digital solutions for improved energy efficiency is one of the easier and most cost effective steps on the digital journey.

New Focus on Traditional Solutions

Rapidly rising and volatile energy and carbon prices, regulation and a focus on carbon is increasing awareness and demand for energy efficiency and longer term investment is becoming more common.  We have experience and expertise across all sectors

Energy Efficiency
With higher energy and carbon prices, the cost effectiveness of proven energy efficiency solutions is improved: quick wins, cost effective investments and longer term financed solutions can result in significantly reduced operating costs and lower carbon.  We specialise in all areas of industrial and commercial energy:  heat, power, cooling, compressed air, lighting, heat recovery, process operations, HVAC, motors and drives, pumps and fans, compressors and more.
On Site Power Generation
The business case for on site power generation can be strong: gas turbines with high temperature heat, gas engines, organic rankine cycles, air turbines with carbon capture and absorption chillers.  We identify and develop solutions to save costs and carbon.
Collaborative Power, Heating and Cooling
The opportunity to import and export heat, power and cooling is significant in many sectors. Demands on electricity networks are growing with the introduction of electric vehicles and the electrification of heating, and further by the intermittent nature of renewable power generation which now represents a significant proportion of power generation in the UK and elsewhere.

Low Carbon Solutions

The demand for low carbon energy and renewables continues to rise, with consequences and opportunities.

Renewable and low carbon power is a significant and growing opportunity, with capital costs falling as the technology becomes established. Hydrogen and biofuels are on the horizon and an important consideration in many cases.
Electrification of Heat

Low carbon electricity, including from the grid, is supporting electrification of heat and the uptake of heat pumps.

Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles

Electric vehicles are on the horizon and fast approaching, with consequences for site electricity demand and networks, but importantly with a significant reduction in carbon and other emissions. Hydrogen will be used for heavy transport.

New Innovations

As technology develops, new opportunities arise. We are ahead of the crowd, through constant research and in house development.

Digital Energy Efficiency
Meters, data acquisition from process, BMS and energy systems, cloud data historians, data analytics, big data, Nudge Energy, expert systems, modelling, optimisation, visualisation, energy reporting.  We have leading solutions for all circumstances that go beyond the traditional energy management systems.
Flexibility and Storage
Batteries, ice storage, thermal storage, demand response, backup generation and more. We can identify the best solutions for your site.


Finance for Energy Transformation
We specialise in innovative finance:  for projects with a longer payback, to minimise risks, to make projects happen, and to guarantee a return from the start.  There is no longer a barrier to transforming energy at your sites.



What We Are Doing

Developing strategies for energy transformation and carbon reduction

Advising on best practice digital solutions and their implementation

Supporting companies to reduce costs by over 50% without investment

Supporting the financing of major projects to reduce energy and carbon

Developing innovative solutions to reduce energy use and carbon emissions

Helping businesses to secure Government funding for innovation