Supporting the Energy Transition
The Energy Transition
Efficiency, Heat Recovery, Heat Pumps
Renewable Energy & Electrification
Decentralised Energy Generation
Energy Storage
Hydrogen & the End of Fossil Fuels
District Heating & Cooling
The Digital Transformation
New Focus on Traditional Solutions
Rapidly rising and volatile energy and carbon prices, regulation and a focus on carbon is increasing awareness and demand for energy efficiency and longer term investment is becoming more common. We have experience and expertise across all sectors
Energy Efficiency
On Site Power Generation
Collaborative Power, Heating and Cooling
Low Carbon Solutions
The demand for low carbon energy and renewables continues to rise, with consequences and opportunities.
Electrification of Heat
Low carbon electricity, including from the grid, is supporting electrification of heat and the uptake of heat pumps.
Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles
Electric vehicles are on the horizon and fast approaching, with consequences for site electricity demand and networks, but importantly with a significant reduction in carbon and other emissions. Hydrogen will be used for heavy transport.
New Innovations
As technology develops, new opportunities arise. We are ahead of the crowd, through constant research and in house development.
Digital Energy Efficiency
Flexibility and Storage
Finance for Energy Transformation
What We Are Doing
Advising on best practice digital solutions and their implementation
Supporting companies to reduce costs by over 50% without investment
Supporting the financing of major projects to reduce energy and carbon
Helping businesses to secure Government funding for innovation